Anchor Me

an anchored life is full of hope

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Yes it has been a long time since I've written or shared on this blog. I am a terrible blogger, I am obviously not a writer, however from time to time I enjoy sharing thoughts and or comments. In particular I enjoy daily meditations written by Richard Rohr. I recently shared a series on "How Are You Seeing?" so I thought this article by Richard would be appropriate, so here we go. Enjoy!


The ability to stand back and calmly observe our inner dramas, without rushing to judgment, is foundational for spiritual seeing. It is the primary form of “dying to the self” that Jesus lived personally and the Buddha taught experientially. The growing consensus is that, whatever you call it, such calm, egoless seeing is invariably characteristic of people at the highest levels of doing and loving in all cultures and religions. They are the ones we call sages or wise women or holy men. They see like the mystics see.

Now do not let the word “mystic” scare you. It simply means one who has moved from mere belief systems or belonging systems to actual inner experience. All spiritual traditions agree that such a movement is possible, desirable, and available to everyone. In fact, Jesus seems to say that this is the whole point! (See, for example, John 10:19-38.)

From The Naked Now: Learning to See


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